ainda sempre ainda

still ever still

type: temporary exhibition

local: museum of paraná| curitiba | paraná | brazil

artist: Marilá Dardot

director: gabriela ribeiro bettega

artistic direction: richard romanini

architecture and design department: carolina bassani

photography: carolina bassani

software used: Vectorworks, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator

year: set 2022 / fev 2023

the individual exhibition by the artist from Minas Gerais, Marilá Dardot, brings to the public a set of works that cross, among other points, the memory constituted by culture: from works that deal with books, literature and language to those that deal with themes erased from history by political positions , censorship, genre or by time.

in recent years, Dardot has created a group of works based on the observation of historical narratives that undergo recurrences, overlaps or the ephemeral nature of news.

furthermore, according to Luisa Duarte, the researcher who wrote the critical text for the exhibition, Dardot's work touches on sensitive issues of the present (the climate, capitalism, democracy, worn-out western epistemologies, false technological promises) and establishes relations with the field of language.

(text taken from the exhibition newspaper)

the challenge for the architecture department was to reformulate the existing exhibition space to meet the artist's demands and her considerations on how her exhibition should be distributed throughout the space. as a result, new temporary walls were raised and a new flow was created for the space.

to see more about the exhibition: instagram museu paranaense

architectural assembly process


lange de morretes


kitchen for a farmhouse