ante ecos e ocos

type: exhibition

local: curitiba | paraná | brazil

conception and project: museum of paraná

curatorship: bruna reis, diogo duda, emanuel monteiro, fernando santiago e gesline giovana braga

adjunct curatorship: felipe vilas bôas, josiéli spenassatto e richard romanini

chief curator: richard romanini

assistant curator: giselle de moraes

architecture and design department: carolina bassani

photography: rodrigo bandeira da costa e carolina bassani

software used: Vectorworks, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator

year: 2022

ante ecos e ocos (ante echoes and hollows) is a long-term exhibition that presents Afro-Brazilian culture through a more local approach, covering African heritage in the state of Paraná, based on objects that are part of the Museu Paranaense collection.

six main nuclei outline the narrative of this show that addresses the quilombo, carnival, religiosity, congada, the post-abolition period and capoeira. They are axes formed by videos, photographs, letters and other materials from Afro-Paranaense history under the Museum's custody, but which had their gaps, absences and shortcomings filled through an active search by the research team for complementary content to the already existing ones. For this, new acquisitions of sculptures, paintings, flags and even musical instruments were made, all related to black culture and its expressions.

based on a shared curatorship process, the exhibition was conceived by Bruna Reis, Diogo Duda, Emanuel Monteiro, Fernanda Santiago and Geslline Giovana Braga, and accompanied by the Museu Paranaense team formed by Richard Romanini, Josiéli Spenassatto and Felipe Vilas Bôas.

(text taken from the exhibition website)

to see more about the exhibition: instagram museu paranaense

some constructive details

creative process

space perception

support for the tablet

test for reproduction of the exhibition's audiovisual material

exhibition montage

the process took around 30 days




lange de morretes