
type: exhibition

local: curitiba | paraná| brazil

concept and project: museum of paraná

curatorship: camila dos santos, ivanizia ruiz guimarães e robson chaves delgado

adjunct curator: josiéli spenassatto e giselle de moraes

director: gabriela ribeiro bettega

artistic director: richard romanini

architecture and design department: carolina bassani

photography: rodrigo bandeira da costa

software used: Vectorworks, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator

year: 2023

“the curatorship project takes the Paraná Museum collection as its starting point, enriching it with the addition of new objects and works of art. these choices enable us to ressignify the meaning of the history of the Brazilian indigenous populations - through the gaze, writing, speech, the art, song, and the diverse cultural productions of each people.

in taking this path, the exhbit retells our stories through five sections, interconnected as is indigenous culture itself - in all its forms of existence. “all things are small”, “spinners and guardians: bearers of stories”, “all the meanings of the earth”, “heart in the village, feet in the world”, and, finally, “resistances: nothing done for us, without us” are the five components of the exhbit. objects and texts demarcate the language of the different peoples, our ways of life, ethnic richness, arts, our different ways of conducting cosmological rituals and our relationships to the non-indigenous. stories of massacre and erasure exist, as well as others: stories of resistance, of affirmation of identity and of the multiple strategies for the maintenance of the culture despite five centuries of assault.

what we hereby propose is the awakening of critical thought, the deconstruction of an image built and imposed historically on our own minds and about us. we understand that decolonializing the mind from the effects of the colonialism of being and of power/knowledge, contributes towards intensifying reflexivity, channeling societal discussions in the directions in which they must be rebuilt”.

(text taken from the exhibition newspaper)

of the curators.

to see more about the exhibition: instagram museu paranaense

exhibition montage


rural school


ante ecos e ocos